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Does Kollider take custody of my funds?#

Yes— when you open a position on Kollider, your funds are moved to the exchange. Luckily with Kollider, you can open a position directly from your wallet. There’s no need to pre-fund an account, so you only take custodial risk during the time that your position is open. Deposits and withdrawals happen instantly over the Lightning Network.

Can I open a Lightning channel with Kollider directly?#

Yes. Please join our Telegram group to contact us directly about opening a channel.

Is Kollider open-source?#

Kollider Exchange is not open-source. Some of our products, including LndHubX (which powers our synthetic stablecoins) are open-source.

Is Kollider available for use in all countries?#

No Kollider is not available in the US, Canada or any of the countries that are on the OFAC list.

What are the risks of using Kollider?#

Any funds you use for trading is taken into custody by Kollider. Hence all margin that you send to Kollider for trading is at risk. You are trusting Kollider to keep those funds safe.

Where is Kollider based?#

All information about Kollider's entity can be found in our Terms

How are Kollider indices calculated?#

Kollider indices use volume weighted averages of the last prices from multiple data sources.

Kollider currently uses five data sources: Coinbase Pro, Bitfinex, Kraken, Bitstamp and Binance.

How are Kollider synthetic stablecoins different from Taro?#

Kollider's synthetic stablecoins offer users fiat-denominated price stability through the use of hedging on our derivatives exchange. Taro, which is still in developement, is a protocol for asset issuance. This means that Taro will allow for the tokenization of a number of different stablecoin types on the Lightning Network. We're keeping an active eye on Taro and will explore integrating it as new developments occur.

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